Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

My favorite guys are our TV announcers, Bill Brown and Jim Deshaies, but it's that same feeling like you guys mention, where it's just soothing to listen to them talk. Especially in the long summer stretch, when we sometimes get into a bad funk and only the extreme baseball loyalists are paying any attention, it's fun to hear them chat about random trivia or just make corny jokes with each other. They'll point things out that make me remember why I love watching the game.

I bet DeShaies is entertaining. He was quite a character when he played. Relievers aren't wired the same way the rest of us are. Larry Andersen, one of the Phillies' color guys, was a wacky reliever, and he has a deadpan, caustic sense of humor. When he was told during a telecast early last year when Paul LoDuca was batting for the Nationals that Loduca couldn't understand why the Philly fans were booing him so lustily, Andersen dryly said, "If he has a free hour, I'd be happy to tell him."