Kerfelds must've really liked his Jello. And not been willing to buy it himself with his salary, I guess? lol

CS, that's a nice story...that was sweet of your sister to get the autographs. It's been a while since I've had a chance to stand near the field and try to get a player to sign a ball, but when I have, I always go blank and don't know what to say. I'll probably never get over that star-struck anxiety!

It was so sad to hear about Adenhart. I first found out when my mom saw the article online, and it hit me just as much when I heard it discussed on Sportscenter. I don't know if it's how young he was, that he'd just pitched such a great game, or maybe the entire situation for him, but it's just seems so bad when it's a ballplayer because it's like it's one of "our guys." He had such a future ahead of him.