Thanks BL!

I was just interviewed by the Chicago Tribune for my win... Here's a snippet of the article.


Reporter: First off, congratulations on winning this year's league. Any initial thoughts?

DB: First off, I want to thank God for all He has done. Anything is possible through Him. Second, I just want to take my hats off to my team, coaches, trainers, everybody. They all gave 150% night in, night out. They know that there's no "I" in team. They were one for all and all for one, and even on days they were down, they knew that every cloud has a silver lining, that tomorrow's a brand new day. Life is like a box of chocolates, you know. You never know, you NEVER know what you're going to get.

Reporter: Wow, just wow. Anything you have to say to your players?

DB: Well, let me start out with our team MVPs, Dwayne and Dwight. They've been spectacular. Flash and Superman absolutely carried us all year. Antawn and Joe were strong. Best of all, we had Tony on our team so you know who was courtside every night...

Reporter: Any words for Zach Randolph?

DB: Putz...

Reporter: Any words for your fellow competitors?

DB: First, a shout-out to Yogi who has been a tough competitor. He managed his team well. LeBron was a monster. The most important thing was that he drafted well...

[interrupted... informed that Yogi auto-drafted]

DB: Well, the computer drafted really well. tongue

Seriously though, the draft was just the start. He managed all year and did a great job.

Reporter: And the other teams?

DB: Well, my family had mixed results. My brother did really well to finish with the bronze in the last two weeks or so. He was releasing players left and right. My nephews didn't fare so well finishing 7th and 8th but we'll chalk that up to rookie mistakes.

BL had a great last week, finishing fourth. Too bad he was distracted the other 30 or so weeks writing letters everyday to Tim Lincecum. Is it true that Lincecum has a restraining order out on him?

[Reporter nods]

JL was a little too busy planning his vacation the last few weeks in the year to pay attention to people who were passing him in the standings. Or else, he was doing his copious research for fantasy baseball. Vegas has 2 to 5 odds on the latter.

LN, what can I say about him? I think he's still recovering from two sprained thumbs from playing his Nintendo DS. At least that's the story he's telling everybody.

And finally, JG - the Don, the Master of Ceremonies, the Capo di tutti capi. It's a shame he had to finish in last, wasn't it? It's a darn shame. It should be outlawed. At least that's what he says. Last I heard, he's trying to pass a GBB rule so that he can't finish last in any game. Good luck with that one, buddy. wink