I just dont understand what's the big surprise here. I'm all for crazy news items and what not, but I just dont see the big deal here and why it's such a sensation that the woman can sing. One cannot sing well unless s/he is pretty? what's one thing got to do with the other? following that logic I suppose pretty people have bigger brains as well? better at math?

Or is it because she made a couple of funny/unfunny comments before she started to sing? I'd still say that this has nothing to do with her singing. I'm just trying to understand what's the surprise...

And dont tell me "Ugly Duckling". There is absolutely no parallelism between the tale and the "story" of Susan Boyle....unless you simplify it to the point where pretty much any other tale could be used instead. Hans Christian Andersen must be turning in his grave.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)