Every week for years this foursome play a round of golf at 8:00 a.m. sharp on Sundays. One day a woman who is a member of the club notices that there are only three men playing in the group. She approaches them and asks where the fourth player is, and they solemnly tell her that he died. She espresses her condolences, and then she asks if they would mind if she could join them to make a foursome again. The men stammer a bit and then one says, they are pretty good golfers and they would not want to be slowed down on the course. She assures them that if she can't hold her own she'll quit. They agree to meet the following Sunday, and as she is leaving she says, "By the way there's a chance I'll be fifteen or twenty minutes late," and she walks off. The guys are really upset at this and are grumbling what a nerve she has and how they never should have let her in. The following Sunday she shows up at 8:00 sharp and they go out on the course. Playing from the men's tees she shoots a five under par, and the three men are amazed. The following week she shows up again, this time with left handed clubs, and proceeds to shoot a six under par.
Back in the clubhouse they are having something to eat and one of the men asks her how she got so good, and how could she play both right handed and left handed. She explains that she was ambidextrous as a child, and that her father was a teaching pro who taught her to play lefty and righty at a very young age. Then another of the guys asks how does she decide which clubs to use on any given day. She replies "Well, my husband sleeps on his back, naked. When I wake up I look over at him and if it is leaning to the left I play left handed, and if it is leaning to the right I play right handed." The third guy, who thinks he's funny says,"What do you do if it is standing up straight?" "That," she says, "is when I am fifteen or twenty minutes late."

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."