Originally Posted By: olivant
Could ya'll be referring to Eve of Destruction?

I don't think so. I did a quick youtube of the song and wasn't the song I was looking for.

Does anyone know if it's season 3 or 4 when Tony reads that caption in the newspaper? Maybe if I knew which episode it was I could hunt down that song.

Upon further research, I'm gonna guess the song is in the opening episode of season 3. Wikipedia mentions the garbage war I mentioned earlier in my first post:

Tony is still running his crew and is concerned about a possible garbage war involving his company, Barone Sanitation


After further research, I can now confirm that the song playing in the opening scene of Mr Ruggerio's Neighborhood is the song I've been looking for. I skipped to the credits, but no songs were listed.

Last edited by BEavis; 05/08/09 06:35 PM.