That's been his problem the last couple of years. When the Giants are out of it, he starts pitching well. So to see him pitch great to start a season is encouraging. He is so cerebral, it's obvious the big contract and expectations messed with his head. But now that he's the fourth starter the pressure is off, and he seems to be thriving. We'll see how things continue.

The Giants took the series 2-1 against the Dodgers so I'm happy. It's the last time they play until August.

By the way, I'm sorry to everyone for being such a homer. I love my Giants and I hope it doesn't bug everyone. If I thought it would stimulate some discussion I would start a "How 'bout Them Giants" thread, but it would be just me talking to myself. Sometimes I wish I was a Yankee fan so I could be enthusiastic with a lot of other members here, or a Red Sox fan so I can cheer the Yankees failure along with SC.

So it goes for west coast baseball fans.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes