Thanks so much guys! Your birthday wishes mean a lot to me and it's so great that I can be part of this message board and see all of you almost everyday!
Crabcakes - Thanks for starting the thread! We miss you in the fantasy leagues, but I know you're not very far away. If not today, I'll have a "Things I Think" list pretty soon.
Yogi - The Oracle of the Auto Draft and my friend from across the pond. Thanks!
SC - I bet you sing 1000% better than what I heard from JG so thanks.
TIS - "Wow, this Don Sicilia guy must be awful if even TIS is calling him a douche."

Thanks TIS! Congrats again on your retirement!
Sicilian Babe - Thanks SB (and I didn't even have to give you a picture of Jeter!)
goombah - My house is rooting hard for your Cavs. That's saying something from a guy from Chicago.

KL - Thanks KL. Always a pleasure to read one of your posts.
JG - Thanks for my birthday wishes buddy. And thanks for only alluding to me as a wuss. Much better than getting called a wuss directly. Really? Seriously?

LN - Thanks, Longneck. Hope you are getting at least a few hours of sleep each night.