Mama, I am so happy for all of you. I know that you and the Col. are very proud! You re-cap above was very touching and it sounds as if the wedding was a great one!


CUT TO: Village church in Lakeview Park. Traditional Redneck wedding music plays as the church bells ring. The priest blesses Frank and Becky as they kneel at the church's entrance.

Becky's family, and other townspeople are gathered around. Hailey and Jeremy look on.


PRIEST (in a southern accent) : in thee name of thee Pappee, and thee Son, and thee Holy Ghost -- Yeeehaaa -- Ahhmen

The bridal procession makes its way up the street. Becky and Frank, the bride and groom, are followed by the procession, throwing bird seed all over them.

CUT TO: The Hoedown , where Frank and Becky and guests are square dancing at the reception, to "Cotton Eyed Joe" (alla Rednex).


Congratulations to both you and the Col.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.