1 - I've been watching more basketball this post-season than I have been in the last few years combined. Starting with Bulls-Celts series and all through the current divisional championship series, the games have been pretty entertaining and exciting.
2 - A few thoughts...
- LeBron is fast becoming my favorite post-Jordan basketball player. He completely dominated last night's game with a 32 point stretch in the 3rd and 4th quarters in which he had a hand in ALL of the points (either through scoring or assisting).
- For a superstar, Dwight Howard is lacking in polish in the post. He's compared often to Shaq in the way he bulls over people, but he's not as big as Shaq so I don't know how effective he will be once the pounding starts to take its toll.
- J.R. Smith just bugs me. All preening. Not much substance.
3 – I’m not much of a fast food eater, but I can’t get enough of Arby’s. That fake roast beef and the Arby’s sauce make for some good eating. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t like Arby’s and I don’t know if I want to.

4 – The current tenuousness the market is in bugs me. Are we in a bear market recovery? Have we hit bottom?
5 – Some may link it to the evolution of technology, but the disappearance of newspapers makes me a bit sad. Some of my quiet and peaceful times during high school and college were spent eating breakfast while reading the sports section of the newspaper. All print media is disappearing because they have lost the user to the internet. Google now owns the user.
6 – On a related topic, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter make for interesting business cases. They definitely have the users. They just don’t know how to make money off of them. For these sites to make money, users generally have to click on the ads that they post. They make no money if users don’t. I just like to play online Scrabble.
7 – On another related topic, click early and click often on the ads found here on the GBB.

Some fantasy sports-related ones…
8 – My latest pet peeve… Pitchers I own facing each other. It’s maddening. You know that no good can come of it. Best case, they both do well and one of them gets the win. Worst case, they both get shellacked. What usually happens – they both give up three or four runs and no-decisions for both. Like I said, it’s maddening and it’s happened four or five times already to me this season, one during interleague play. Interleague play! Seriously? Really?... Deep breath… Move on to the next one… Nothing to see here folks.
9 – If you’ve read this far, here’s my pitch for you to join one of the fantasy sports games here on the GBB. They’re fun (most of the time). They’re relaxing (most of the time). You'll defintely meet some great people. And best of all, you can make fun of JG and he won’t ban you because we call it “trash talking.”
[finger quotes firmly in the air] 
If you don’t find a game here that you play, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
10 – She was a big hit in the fantasy baseball thread so just for the heck of it… Megan Fox.