I have the first season of NYPD BLUE on dvd. And as much as I don't care for Caruso (I think he's a GIANT "ham"), I have to admit, he was awesome on that show.

If you watch the first few episodes, watch out for David Schwimmer as "4B," an intellectual type who gets mugged, plays vigilante, and meets an untimely end. He has pretty good dramatic acting skills (I think he's a comic GENIUS). Also watch out for another FRIENDS alum, Robert Costanza, as stoolie gangster Alphonse Giardella. He played Joey's father on several episodes of FRIENDS.

A GREAT New York City tv show. They filmed "exteriors" here, usually in July and August. I used to see the film crew on the lower east side near Stuyvesant Town quite a bit.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.