Self pity??

I think I was anything but that, I had to defend myself and I did.

I run two forums on other subjects so I'm not your average run-of-the-mill bloke. This is the only decent GF forum, and I live and breathe these movies, especially after I've just watched them again

We will recycle threads time and time again, it's only three films. But in my topics, I try and delve deeper into the personalities of the characters, I try my best to get talking points going. I didn't mean to be agressive, but it'd be nice, to just once, have someone quote me and say something positive, instead of treating me as a buffoon.

I did recieve a very nice PM of support from someone though and I've sinced calmed a little, But that's not to say I shan't be forced to defend myself again, consequences such as banning etc doesn't scare me or faze me in the slightest, all I want to do is talk about these films.

Sonny - Well then, business will have to suffer, all right? And listen, do me a favor, Tom. No more advice on how to patch things up, just help me win, please