I've asked Don Cardi to delete me as I can't bear to be in a community that has a gang-up culture and stops me from having whatever the hell opinion I want. I have too much pride
When a plot against a moderator failed -- the planner was always given a chance to redeem himself and keep his member status. If not they got knocked off the boards and all their posts count went to cyberspsace..... Unless they took their arguement off the boards -- then nothing happened. And their member status -- their member status was left alone.
When a moderator asks ANYONE to take their bickering off the boards, then the bickering should be taken off the boards. There should be no arguement!
Finnochio, SC is probably one of the fairest Mods not only on these boards, but maybe on the entire internet.
I say that everyone sticks to the topic at hand and stops all this back and forth bickering. We all have our opinions, are entitled to those opinions, and should be civil when debating and exchanging thoughts about a trilogy that we all love.
It's the way pop wanted it!