Originally Posted By: Turnbull

Obama gave a great American campaign speech, full of good thoughts about virtue, fairness, democracy, sweet reason--the kind of stuff most Americans and their media like.

I don't think that his speech was aimed at American voters. Well, at least not alone. I think the main goal was to start a new chapter in the relations between the US and the Islamic world.
"I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world."
Again and again he stressed mutual interests, shared goals, and he underlined his willingness to start a new chapter in the relations.
The headline in Palestinians' heads was: "Obama Blames Israel."

That was probably the headline in the hard heads not only in Palestine but everywhere where there are people who only hear what they want to hear. Obama made it very clear that Palestineans must change their way of pursuing their goals.
"Palestinians must abandon violence. Resistance through violence and killing is wrong and does not succeed. (...) Hamas must put an end to violence, recognize past agreements, and recognize Israel's right to exist."

I'm really disappointed that Obama didn't use his considerable prestige, star quality and rhetorical skill to lay out a concrete plan for a comprehensive peace process.

I think that this was neither the time nor the place for a concrete plan. This speech was an attempt to encourage the political leaders in the region to change their politics, to open their minds. A concrete plan might be the next step.

There have to be radical changes in politics and policy of both, Israel and Palestine. They have to recognise the other's people's needs. At the moment, the Israeli government denies or ignores this, as well as Hamas.

No single person can enforce the peace in the middle east right now, neither the US president nor the UN General Secretary nor anybody else. But Obama showed that every-one who is involved has to overcome some mind barriers.