It is a sad ending to what had become a sad life for Michael Jackson. He had a bad childhood and really never recovered. It just goes to show that all the money in the world cannot make one happy. While I never was a big fan of his music, I respected MJ's contribution to music history.
MJ's problem is that he got so big, so rich, and was so weird that none of those qualities could co-exist. I could not sympathize for him after the first set of child molestation charges in the early 1990s. But I did not wish him harm, either.
I think his sudden, shocking death is fitting in light of the last 25 years of his life. While I never envisioned his death to be the cause, I remember thinking that there would be no way that he would play all of those scheduled London concerts. When they were first announced, I assumed he would have some type of cancellations due to a) his weirdness or b) some minor physical problems.
I completely agree with the Elvis comparisons. Both were too secluded and too far out there toward the end of their lives.