Just to piss more people off.....

Due to the fact that Michael Jackson is 99% plastic, he will be melted down into lego blocks so little kids can play with him.
Michael Jackson apparently died of food poisoning…it is reported he ate 12 year old nuts.

So farrah Fawcett after a good life appears at the pearly gates

st peter greets her and says "farrah, you have led such an exemplary life i am going to get God to grant you one wish"

Farrah thanks St pete and asks for all the children of the world to be safe.

St pete relays this to God who says your wish will be granted.

God then kills Michael Jackson.

Last edited by Beth E; 06/26/09 01:43 PM.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.