I am still in shock at the passing of the world's greatest entertainer, The King of Pop, MICHAEL JACKSON.

His genius was a gift and a curse.

It is a FACT that Michael had vitiligo, which creates discoloration and light, splotchy, unsightly areas on the skin. This discoloration eventually spreads across the entire body in severe cases. With the consultation of a specialist, he underwent a process to even out his complexion, which meant they had to bleach his entire body.

His entire life, his father Joe constantly ridiculed him and told him he was ugly and had a wide, flat nose and nappy hair. This happens often in African American communities and causes people who don't like themselves to want to change. Because of their upbringing and the pain they felt for the way they looked, they wanted to change into someone else, usually white people. So he changed himself because he never had support from people who raised him.

Michael Jackson was ACQUITTED of ALL alleged molestation charges. Anybody, anywhere and in any circumstance can accuse anyone of anything. It doesn't make it TRUE! There was absolutely no evidence and the jury agreed.

People who hated him picked and picked and picked at this man and, in addition to the daily drug cocktails that he took to dull the pain, the hatred ate him alive.

I am so sad that he had to go through all this pain but I am relieved that he left us the legacy of his gift and that now he can finally be and rest IN PEACE and away from all the scorn and ridicule and pain!

Here's a quote from the film director Martin Sorcsie, who directed the music video Bad, in response to his death:

"When we worked together on `Bad,' I was in awe of his absolute mastery of movement on the one hand, and of the music on the other. Every step he took was absolutely precise and fluid at the same time. It was like watching quicksilver in motion." — Film director Martin Scorcese.

Last edited by NiainNJ; 06/27/09 09:20 PM. Reason: I forgot the link