I don't know. The thought of those kids under the same roof as Joe Jackson is pretty damn scary. I don't know if there is any "official" record that Joe Jackson abused his kids (even though Michael himself has said so). I'd hate too, the thought of separating them, BUT isn't that better than putting them in the same family that f-ed up Michael?

On the CNN web page they have comments on this story and one commenter said, "well that was 40 years ago, give Joe Jackson a break!" eek I'm sorry, if it were my kid, no way in hell.

And, is it possible that Michael put in his will NOT to leave them with his parents? God, I would hope so. In the end, however, money and/or fame will win over, and I do think the Jacksons will keep the kids. We can just hope the best for them.

Oh, and one more thing. The third child, Blanket (????) has a different mother. Do we know if that mother "signed-off" and even if she did, if she wants to change her mind, I'll bet she could. Bottom line, I don't have much faith that these kids will go anywhere else but with the Jacksons.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 06/29/09 02:10 PM.

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