It's about time somebody had the guts to speak out and publicly say what needed to be said about Michael Jackson and the absurd media circus of the past 10 days. I'll take this 'rant' over any of Al Sharpton's.
Congressman Expands On YouTube Video, Says Media Coverage Of King Of Pop's Death "An Orgy Of Glorification"
Pablo Guzman - MASSAPEQUA PARK, N.Y.
Over the weekend, Long Island Congressman Peter King posted what is often called "a rant" on YouTube -- sounding off. In this case, about what he called the media glorification of Michael Jackson....
"For the last, I don't know how long now, this low-life Michael Jackson, his name, his face, his picture, is all over the newspapers, television, radio. That's all we hear about is Michael Jackson. Let's knock out this psycho-babble. This guy was a pervert, a child molestor, he was a pedophile, and to be giving this much coverage to him day in and day out, what's it say about us a country?" ..."I just thought, this has gone over the top. It was an orgy of glorification"...
On the video King also says: "I just think we're too politically correct. No one wants to stand up and say, 'We don't need Michael Jackson!' He died, he had some talent, but fine, there are people dying every day. There are men and women dying everyday in Afghanistan, let's give them the credit they deserve.
"The bottom line is, would you let your child or grandchild be alone in a room with Michael Jackson?
King also says "there was nothing good about this guy" even though Jackson "may have been a good singer" and "did some dancing."...
"Yes, he did violate young boys. He did put them in terribly inappropriate positions. And that's a terrible signal to be sending out to society -- that we're somehow condoning that behavior. And you are condoning it when you give him the type of --- when we give him the type of regal coverage! And millions of people fighting to get to this mega-memorial! I mean, this is --- this is wrong!"
...King said Monday: "Listen, I feel a lot of sympathy for Michael Jackson. I mean this guy was a tortured person..."So I said it yesterday. I'm speaking today. I will not be speaking tomorrow, on the day of his memorial. I mean, here's a guy who had so much; in the end, he really had very little."
Last edited by AppleOnYa; 07/06/0910:20 PM.
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.