Kly, congrats on getting Victorino into the All-Star game. I thought Sandoval had a chance until I heard someone point out that the entire state of Hawaii is rabid about anyone famous who comes from there. So I had a feeling there would be no way that San Francisco could compete against Philadelphia and Hawaii.

Hopefully Sandoval still gets a chance to make the team because of Beltran's injury.

I just tried to use baseball-reference.com to compare the two but I can't figure out how to use that site. It looks awesome, but I can't get it! Basically Sandoval has better stats than Victorino in every major category except stolen bases. I hate how the all-star system works with it being a popularity contest and people who have no job or life can sit and vote 5,000 times. Oh well.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes