Thanks, blib. I'd bet Sandoval makes an All-Star game soon. Victorino had a couple things going for him. First, name recognition was key. While fans use a myriad of reasons to elect all-stars, they ternd to favor people they know, and Victorino had a few big post season moments last year.

Also, there was a big campaign in Philly. This past series the stadium was filled with "Vote for Shane" t-shirts, Chan Ho Park stood on busy streets with a sign for Victorino, and the mayor of Philadelphia went door to door with Victorino for some laughs. And as you mentioned, Hawaii loves him.

I thought he was a great pick for this team as he will probably be the best defensive outfielder. He's a good hitter with a lot of speed. Now we Phillie fans are getting greedy and looking for Werth to replace Beltran. I don't think Charlie will do it though.