The years seem to go by faster and faster. I can't believe that it's been EIGHT years since these new boards have opened but I remember it like yesterday.

I was a spry 50 years old then; I was out of work at the time and spending a lot of time online on the old boards.... Don Cardi and I were discussing a possible joint business venture and he had just turned me on to "The Sopranos". Beth's sister had just told a funny story about how "You've Got Mail" (the Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan movie) had turned her on to "The Godfather". Some anonymous poster (you didn't have to log on to post then) was hounding Deathkiss (who was holding her own against him). Turi was posting mainly in the "Scarface" section but even then he was cracking everyone up. Geoff had announced a few days earlier that he'd be changing the board's format.

It was a hot Friday night, about midnight, when Geoff finally posted that he'd start opening the new board for registration. The rest, as they say, is history.

This has been a great venue for making friends, having serious discussions, having laughs and passing the time with some wonderful people.

Thank you Geoff for opening and maintaining these boards!
