Clap yourself JG, you created this wonderful piece on cyberspace.

And to keep it up with the nostalgia talk, can you share the story of creating this website/forum, I know for one I'd love to hear it. How did it all start? did you wake up one day and decided to build a godfather/scarface website? what came first? and did you think it would be such a success? could you believe it 8 years ago that one day you'll be on Gibbs' radio show?

One last question...just how bloody long it took you to make the transcripts of the first 2 movies? I can only imagine using the pause/play button billions of times just to write everything...if you really did it that way grin it must've took you days, maybe even weeks to get it all done, right? grin

Oh and before you call me sonofabitch for keeping you up again - go to sleep now, answer the questions tomorrow grin

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)