Sorry I've been MIA lately guys. I've been doing a great amount of travelling lately for work (Seattle is a great city, btw) and as I'm wont to do while I'm on the road, I work an extraordinary amount of hours, leaving me too exhausted to do anything else.

BL noticed it on our league's homepage - the little notations by GB's transactions means that yes, I have taken over his team. It's unfortunate and I didn't want to do it, but I have conferred with GB and he's decided that he just can't keep up with the league any longer. (Too bad because he had the makings of a great team). In any case, here's my ground rules for managing his team:

- I will only make free agent transactions if one of his players goes on the DL or if slumping horribly (at my discretion).

- Feel free to offer trades to his team. I will accept/reject as if I was the owner. I will not do any trades between his team and my own.

If you guys have any suggestions for me as it relates to GB's team, just let me know.

Happy All-Star break, everyone!