As much as I love the BB there was a time a few years ago a couple members mad me so mad I made it known that I was leaving the BB. But thank God Geoff and a couple other members ask me not to leave.
If it wasn't for Geoff, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to:
1. go to NJ
2. witness in person the frozen cheesecake event
3. meet in person the most wonderful people on earth
4. get the crap scared out of me
5. visit the Corleone house
6. eat at Harold's Deli
7. go to Philly
8. take my first cab ride
9. have the crap scared out of me in my last cab ride
10. visit an open air Italian market and watching Don Geoff pick up an

11. eat at Laveranda
12. see the Moshulu
13. eat at Pat's
14. meet a Scarface impersonator(Frankie)
15. visit NJ a second time
16. run around New Brunswick in the pouring rain looking for Clydz
17. eat purple mash potatoe's at Panico's
18. finally finding Clydz and having a great time
19. having you guys meet some of my family
20. meeting Ralphie
5. I have a book of photos of our BB meets and no matter what, they will always be a special to me. :)TIS
Tis, I also have a photo album of the BB weekends. I also have displayed in my family room 3 (8x10) frames of group pic's of us BBer's who came to the BB weekends. Maybe one of these days we can compare pic's. And I agree they mean alot to me.