can you share the story of creating this website/forum, I know for one I'd love to hear it. How did it all start? did you wake up one day and decided to build a godfather/scarface website? what came first? and did you think it would be such a success? could you believe it 8 years ago that one day you'll be on Gibbs' radio show?
Well. As I said on the radio program, when I got online in '95 I searched out The Godfather and Scarface -- the Net was so young that there was nothing yet. So having been recently laid off, I figured why don't
I start something.
Back then it was not as accessible as it has been the past 10 years even. It really was like the Wild West. I learned basic HTML, yet didn't (well, don't) have much of a design sense, but content is king, right?

I then became obsessed with it. 3 months after starting I went to a party (Nov 18, 1995 -- the same night I saw Al Martino) for my (dial-up) ISP (which replaced AOL) and they said I was pumping out a whopping 4GB/month of bandwidth. I was floored, cuz GBs then were like TBs now. Quite a bit. lol
Do I need to relay the radio explanation? Briefly, I bumped into Scarface in college, and it immediate became my favorite film, and Al my favorite actor. I watched it dozens of times - probably more often than I went to class lol. As a new Pacino fan, I needed to then see everything else, and then of course The Godfather came up.
I had no idea, then, that it'd be a success. Nor did I realize that it'd NOT be a success 10 years later. Fucking Google. I went from #1 in search results for Godfather and Scarface, until I got the domains and -- which focked me over. Not sure of Google's rules, but I was better off with and apparently. You wouldn't think so, but it's been on my list to contact them to figure out WTF.
Being on the radio was fun as hell, but also scary every time. I'm not much of a "talker" (haha, I'm a
typer, not a

) I did his show, what, 3-4 times? Unfortunately I don't think he has that show any longer, but, someday I'd love to do it again -- he's great!
One last question...just how bloody long it took you to make the transcripts of the first 2 movies? I can only imagine using the pause/play button billions of times just to write everything...if you really did it that way

it must've took you days, maybe even weeks to get it all done, right?
Oy. The transcripts. Hell, I KNOW they are off, and for a dozen YEARS I've been getting emails with corrections. I'm a lazy and forgetful SOB, k?

I, personally, did the first one. It's pretty close. The 2nd and 3rd were done by volunteers WAY BACK (I believed they're credited) and I've always been meaning to correct them. Then the DVD came out, and I was torn -- should I do it the old way, or, simply copy the closed-captioning? Well, I decided not to use the closed-captioning, but to be even MORE accurate. I just haven't gotten around to it (yet?). You have to admit it's quite an undertaking!

I can ramble on and on... sorry.