I DO think even this BB reflects a general attitude or sentiment in the nation. Something is different politically.There is an entire atmosphere that's different that applies to both sides.
I don't know if it's a sign of general frustration, as a nation;or a craving for some major changes. I would like to think that people aren't simply becoming hateful, because that's how it is coming across (again on both sides). Sort of like having one's personal issues and taking it out on your family, only "everbody" this time, is the entire nation. Know what I mean?

TIS, some of what you express can be attributable to our Nation consisting of over 300 million people, 24/7 media, people quipping instead of understanding, and a laziness that results in our failure to understand issues. As I posted above, how many Board members realize how the Court's philosophy, it's approach to decision-making has transitioned ove the past 150 years or so? Well, probably few. To understand or even try is too much for some people, so they take the expedient route of just blustering about what they don't understand. It is something of a tragedy.