I would like to observe other users' opinions on this topic which I believe should be a subject discussed. The original Mafia was created over 300 years ago in Sicily, it was meant for protecting the Italian/Sicilian people from the invaders trying to take over Sicily. Back then they followed the rules and Omertà and had honor. When Cosa Nostra expanded to America it still followed the original rules, but once World War II ended both the Sicilian and Italian-American Mafias started to get greedy which led to a very deep decline. Since then more members of the Mafia started disobeying the rules and became rats and started betraying each other. Very few Mafia families today still have that same honor that was created over 300 years ago. So I would like to ask everyone what your opinions are, rather you like the old Mafia from 300 years ago or the new and current Mafia today. I am all for the original Cosa Nostra from over 300 years ago, the current one is not as good.

Ya know one thing about us wise guys? The hustle never ends.- Tony Soprano