Originally Posted By: SC
SB, there's a good book on the subject. It's called, "For the Sins of the Father", and it details the many tragedies suffered by Joe's kids.

I'll have to look for that one. I did read "The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys" years ago.

BAM, He not only hid Rosemary, but he sent Rose on a cruise to Europe, which would get her out of the way for several months, and then had Rosemary lobotomized. She was very pretty, and since nobody outside the family knew about her retardation, she got plenty of male attention. Joe was convinced that she would become sexually active and breed (not sure which he was more terrified of), so he had her lobotomized.

Additionally, he never accepted Kathleen's husband because he was an English Protestant. Pretty sure her plane crashed on a trip to defy her father and be with the husband.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club