Only, the Right is so much better at "spin" than the Left is. It always seems to work for them. The left just seems to sit back and take it.

You got that right TIS. Just yesterday Tom Ridge fessed up to what I always suspected that the Bush crowd played fast and loose with "terror slerts," the most egregious being the one that probably cost Kerry the election.
Look how they have transformed complex healthcare proposals into one word "Obamacare."
Brilliant spin and as usual the Dems are flatfooted and divided.
When Bush made public appearances protestors were kept away and put in "Free Speech Zones."
Now, opponents of healsth care show up packing heat and carrying pictures of Obama with a Hitler style moustache, and slogans about cleansing ourselves with the blood of tyrants.
The fact of the matter is many critics of Obama are racist reactionaries who are simply afraid of the future, and afraid of the fact that the demographics of this country are rapidly changing to the degree that in about 40 years whites will be a minority.