Commissioner's Note To those invited to the league and not yet joined:
If you're still interested, there is one spot remaining. I know there are a couple of you that were invited almost 3 weeks ago but still haven't joined, my question is: What's takin' you so long??
Because I want to get the spots filled up ASAP, I've gone to one back-up already and would like to fill the final spot by Saturday night so I can go ahead and set the draft order. If it's not filled by one of you two by Saturday night, I'll open up the spot to everyone.
I understand that you guys are probably busy/on summer vacation/etc. and haven't had time to join, but if you're still interested, please join ASAP. First to get there gets the spot.
This spot was opened up on Saturday night and filled by a person who's been asking me for 3 years now to be part of our league - my wife (Prufrock's Prophets). Like my sis-in-law, my wife is a huge football fan (she likes to watch games more than I do), but it will be her first time playing fantasy football. She has vowed to kick my butt.