Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

What needs to be pointed out though, is that many who are freaking out right now about it happening to Obama, were perfectly cool about it and/or somehow managed to look the other way when it was his GW on the receiving end.

(And I'm not necessarily referring to any BB members)


On that point I totally agree with you! Many of the same who are kicking and screaming about the things that are being said about this president ( and not that I agree with the attacks that have been made on him or his character)are the same people who villified Bush, attacked his character and made the exact same kinds of attacks that they are now getting offended by when they are made on Obama.

(And that includes a very small few of the BB members)

One of the best ones that I look back on and then hear now is :

Under Bush : "He was in office for 8 months and after that amount of time he should have been more on top of things!"

Presently about Obama : " Hey! Give him a break! He's ONLY been in office for a short 8 months! Give him some time!"


Not taking any sides here, nor am I about bashing our President. I happen to agree that he is only in office 8 months and believe that he should be given ample time before being judged. And I said the same thing when Bush was in office.

All I'm looking for when people give their opinions about someone they dislike and then go on to defend someone that they support is consistancy.

People shouldn't get all twisted and pissy when "their" guy is attacked when they themselves once attacked the other guy that they didn't like using the same phrases, referrences and tactics.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.