Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: BAM_233
i thought bob dylan did "blowin' in the wind"?

Dylan wrote it (and had performed it a lot in the early '60s) but PP&M had their earliest big success with it.

TIS, again, I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but listen to this later rendition of "Puff" (with a short, funny introduction) and picture yourself singing the words along with it to your grandkids (helping them understand it).

"Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name" (even PIRATES paid homage to the great Puff... woah, that's pretty impressive!). But, for all the music I've ever heard one of the absolutely saddest verses is when they sing about dragons living forever, but not so little girls and boys, and Puff was no longer "needed". The age of innocence was over and Puff sadly slipped into his cave to mourn.

Anyway, enjoy this 5 minute clip:


I just now had a chance to play this video. Very very nice. smile I agree with you on the lyrics. The "dragons live forever." line was always one of the lines I remembered. The audience singing toward the end was touching as well.



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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon