Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Right. Who's still up for this then? I'm no longer toing and froing 'tween the north and south. Up north till further notice. Yes, let's meet.

Ok, October is a bad month for me (well it's going to be a brilliant month but I'm fully booked) but November I've no plans yet except maybe a few birthday. Let's get the ball rolling; November 7th a good time for everyone? Place: I'll obviously say Manchester because it's my back yard now but I'm happy to travel. The only problem I have with journey's are that I tend to drink, so the longer I travel the more drunk I will be by the time of my arrival.

And if anyone would like to bring gifts I like backrubs, fish finger butties and shiny things.

So die all who betray Giuliano