Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Just because I don't visit this website and don't post as much as I used to, doesn't mean I'm "coming out of the woodwork." I could say the same for you when earlier in the season Boston was 8-0 against the Yankees and all I heard about was how poorly the Yankees matched up against Boston; about how Boston was going to win the division; about how smart Boston was for getting Penny and Smoltz while the Yankees were stupid for getting CC & AJ. I haven't heard much from you either lately.

We've been through all this before in August.

I've lost a LOT of interest in baseball ... my Boston sweeps posts in this thread were solely to get a rise out of you (and it looks as though I was quite successful).

Show me where I said any of that other stuff (that is in the quote above).

Quick, run for cover I12, the Fair-Weather Fan Detector is coming around.
