Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Luckily I was flippin' channels and the Yanks were on ESPN. I got see the last two innings. Can't wait to enjoy some playoff baseball, but not looking forward to the commentary on FOX or ESPN or whoever. And all those meaningless statistics and the anti-Yankee announcers; Buck and McCarver or Miller and Morgan. Give me Sterling and Waldman;...."an A-Bomb from A-Rod and tthe Yankees win, thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Yankees....WIN!"

I hate Buck and McCarver too (especially McCarver) but I don't understand all the hate for Miller and Morgan. I hear that quite often. Honestly, they're my favorite duo calling baseball games today. They seem to be as unbiased as anyone who doesn't work for the YES Network.

I like them too. The criticism that I hear most often about Morgan is that he is pedantic and snobby. I disagree.

McCarver can grate on you, but as far as knowledge of the mechanics, nuances and application of the rules of the game, I think he is unsurpassed. When he was a player, it was widely assumed that he was going to be a manager, but he worked a couple years with Harry Kalas and Whitey Ashburn and embarked on a broadcasting career.