Originally Posted By: SC

What's the long term prognosis for getting complete use of the left hand back?

Unfortunately we really don't know. As the spinal cord is a very sensitive area and where they operated it is the gateway to my whole central nervous system there's likely to be swelling from the operation. Perhaps it is short term damage but it's really to early to tell. The operation was a week today and there's still been no change. I just have to be patient and only time will tell.

There's no kind of physio that can really help. I'm to keep my hand moving anyway but that won't improve it's situation as the damage is not in my hand, it's in my spinal cord. I've just yawned and that's caused an electric shock feel down my arm. It's strange but I'll just put up with it and be patient. Time is key.

So die all who betray Giuliano