I think I've seen all sorts of matches being made here regardless of age as well. My sister in law once tried to set me up with someone 11 years older than I, and my mom loved him because he had it all, was a doctor, had an apartment, etc, but then I objected to our age difference, but what really had bothered me was him being a total asshole. I also used to have a colleague who was in her fifties, married to a guy who was in his forties. They seemed happy and in love. So I don't think it matters that much if people are in tune, if that can be actually possible for people with age difference. Decades separates styles and tastes, no doubt. And if sense still has a say, you'd want a partner that you could enjoys maximum years possible together.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones