An excellent, short-lived TV series. The Sonny Steelgrave storyline in the first season might be the best. Later in the series, maybe the next year, Jerry Lewis does an extraordinary job in several episodes. I think he was a business owner in the garment district -- Ron Silver played his son -- and they were getting squeezed for protection money?

For $5 you got a bargain! It was an entertaining show.

I also remember Ken Wahl in two movies -- a very young Ken Wahl in "Ft. Apache The Bronx" and then he also starred in a movie called "Purple Hearts."

When Wiseguy debuted, I thought he was perfect for the role. I remembered him from those movies and thought he would have a ton of acting work after that. I was surprised to read Olivant's update that he's been unable to work for some time now.

tony b.

"Kid, these are my f**kin' work clothes."
"You look good in them golf shoes. You should buy 'em"