Sorry about your mom, Dimaggio.

Your thread brought back memories.

My dad had nicknames for my brothers, sister and me. He called me "Bipster" when I was small, which eventually turned into "Buddy B". My brother Paul, who many of you know passed away last December, was called "Wise," and my dad called my other brother "Tupper." He called my sister by the nickname of "Sweet."

When my oldest son was a baby, I called him "Jigsy," which was shortened from calling him "Jigsy McGiggles," and today even refer to him as Jigs. I nicknamed my younger son "Dunker McMulligan" when he was a baby, and my older son called himm Dee Dee, which turned into Deeds. He would cry when the song "Dirty Deeds" came on because he thought that ACDC was calling him dirty. That nickname went away. Today we call him J or sometimes J-Bird. His first name is Jared and from Little League days some of his friends have called him J-Rod.

My wife and I would always refer to my daughter as "Love" or "The Love." I also called her Sweetie Pants as a toddler, and now it's just "Sweetie."