Note: I'm mostly about to discuss shaving in regards to facial hair. Those of you, men or women, who wish to talk about leg shaving, chest, or whatever...feel free to add your thoughts.
I've been off work for a couple of weeks and I've let my beard grow. I absolutely LOVE it, and I absolutely HATE the fact that I must shave it now before going back to work. Now I've gotta go back to daily shaving, but those are the rules and I cant quit.
Here's a question: why do we men have facial hair? what is its purpose? anyone knows? most people I asked couldnt give me an answer. "That's just the way our body is" is something I've heard a lot.
Here's another question: is it really a manly act as it is often portrayed? I mean in the sense of "I remember the day my dad taught to me to shave. I've become a man" - that kind of manly image shaving possess. Basically once you reach 15 or so, it's a new thing in your life that you never did as a kid but what makes it more 'manly' is the image of father teaches son. Come to think about all this, I'd say that shaving is the OPPOSITE of a manly act since we actually lose one of our manly characteristics (ie beard/mustache) during that act. Having a beard seems more manly to me than shaving it. What do you think?
One more question (I'm on a roll): the act of shaving is often cosidered to be part of 'required personal hygiene'. I understand that it's part of social acceptance, appearance, image of tidiness. But is there anything unclean about it? if not, then why the term "clean shaven" exists? that term associates cleanness with shaving.
Finally, I'm curious to know WHY each and every one of you guys shave (if you dont mind answering). I shave because that's a rule where I work. I wouldn't have shaved otherwise...not daily anyway.
So why do you shave:
1) because of work?
2) because you like the 'clean shaven' look better?
3) because you think it's a necessary hygiene?
4) because of social acceptance, the need to be like everyone else?
5) all of the above?
End of quiz