I'll pick up on a few of your points FAME but I'd be here an age taking on all of them

Like JG I hate shaving. Absolutely detest it and I'm lucky I can get away with looking alright with a slightly unkempt look for 2/3 days. After that it looks scruffy. If I could safely wax my face I'd do it!
As well as you FAME I recently had time off work and sported a beard for a while. To be honest I could have kept mind as I'm not working in a customer facing role - and to be honest it looked neat and good (I think anyway). I did have fun in shaving it off though.
As for why do we (men) have facial hair? Without wanting to raise an evolution/creationist debate I think it's from the former. If your follow up question was 'why men and not women?' I haven't given it much thought but off the top of my head I can think of a few different species, Lions for example, that have much different hair patterns between genders.