At least he "manned up" and said the buck stops with him.t As for politics, the GOP is going to have a big circlular firing squad with the teabaggers and the real conservatives. Also as long as crazies like Giuliani continue with their lies,i.e. there was never a domestic attack in the Bush Administion (9/11, the Anthrax attacks and the shoe bomber don't count I guess) I remained convinced of their hopeless situation.

Although I would like to think that you are correct I wouldn't underestimate the conservative opposition. They like to fight and to keep a simple narrative. They are very good at both. I think the President should learn a few things from their tactics. I think sometimes that liberals, progressives, moderates, whatever, can sometimes overlook the power of passion because of an overemphasis on rationality and process. It is funny to listen to Giuliani attempt to rewrite history...