A Don Cardi update -

Don Cardi emailed me, and reported that he was able to return to work through a special dispensation from the Mayor's Office. Because of the essential nature of his business, his was the only business allowed to open WEST of Broadway (see map below) near the Trade Center Complex. (His building is right next to the Hudson River, and the only one down there in that area that wasn't damaged in some way by the collapse of the Towers).

I trust we will all keep him, and others in that area in our prayers. It must be awfully difficult, and distracting (they are being guarded by National Guard troops) to be in that close proximity of Ground Zero. (BTW - Cardinal Egan, of New York, renamed that "Ground Hero".

To give you a better idea of the effects of this tragedy, here is a map of lower Manhattan. All businesses WEST (to the left) of "Broadway" are still closed, while many to the east of Broadway have re-opened, depending on whether or not electricity and phones are available to their buildings. Don Cardi's building is at the extreme left (just off the Hudson River near Liberty Street). The NY Stock Exchange, which re-opened today (and just closed DOWN 676 points) is marked in red.

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