***SPOiLERS*** ------------------ We go to the ring where Vince McMahon makes his way out. Michael Cole talks about speculation regarding Bret Hart's WWE return and mentions the 1997 Survivor Series. Lawler puts over Hart and how big he is.
Vince says good evening and a "we want Bret" chant breaks out. Vince talks about his guest host concept for RAW and says it proves there's nothing he wouldn't do for the WWE Universe. He says he's going to address some rumors and suggestions from the fans. He says he has a special guest host for next week's show and that name is Bret "The Hitman" Hart. The fans pop and start chanting again. Vince says for the younger fans, he's put together a brief and unbiased video of Bret's history in WWE. We go to that video.
The video shows a lot of great Bret clips and then flashes to the 1997 Survivor Series and all the drama surrounding the match with Shawn Michaels. We see clips of the old interview where Jim Ross asked Vince about the incident and Vince said that Bret screwed Bret. Back in the arena and Vince still insists he did not screw Bret Hart and that Bret screwed himself. Vince says despite Bret's bad actions, he's allowed Bret to come back to WWE and even be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Vince talks about after Bret's induction speech. Vince says he extended his hand to Hart after the speech for a shake but Bret disrespected him. Vince says despite all that, he's now proving he's the better man because there's nothing he wouldn't do for the WWE fans. Vince cuts on the fans for their What's. Vince tries to announce Bret as next week's host again but can't say Bret's name. Vince apologizes and says Bret Hart will never be a guest host on Monday Night RAW. The crowd boo's as Vince heads to the back. Shawn Michaels' music plays and out he comes, stopping Vince.
Shawn enters the ring and Vince introduces him, getting a pop from the crowd. Shawn has a serious look on his face as they chant his name. Shawn says sometimes there are rivalries that are bigger than this industry and so big that you can't deny the people or yourself, talking to Vince. Vince says he must be talking about the Hart-Michaels rivalry. Shawn says no, he's talking about The Undertaker. Shawn says he knows he can break the WrestleMania streak. Shawn proposes the rematch at WrestleMania this year and tells Vince to make it happen. Vince says he won't make the match because it's not in his best interest. If it's going to happen, Shawn has to make it happen. Vince goes to leave but Shawn stops him. Shawn says he understands Vince being afraid of Undertaker but being afraid of Bret Hart, that's another story. Shawn says Vince doesn't have too many open chapters in his life left and maybe it's time he brings some closure to the story with Bret. Shawn tells Vince to bring Bret Hart back to WWE and back to Monday Night RAW. Shawn promises Vince if he brings Hart back, only good things are going to happen. The crowd chants for Bret. Vince says he isn't afraid of Taker, Hart, Shawn or any man who walks on this earth. He says he is fearless. Vince asks Shawn to repeat the phrase about only good things happening. Vince kind of mocks this and asks Shawn if he really wants Bret back. Shawn says he would be happy to see The Hitman one more time. Vince says if only good things are going to happen, the next week on RAW - 2010 starts off with Bret Hart as special guest host. No Chance hits again and Vince makes his way to the back. ------------------
Yup, Bret Hart is coming back!
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I don't know about you RRA, but I completely marked out on Monday night. I didn't even care about the nWo reunion on TNA...Bret "The Hitman" Hart has come back to the WWE. The swerve at the end was brilliant. Just when it was getting too cheesy, BAM! I loved it!
"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis
Re: WWE Raw
[Re: XDCX]
#564137 01/06/1009:35 PM01/06/1009:35 PM
I have to disagree with you XDCX. I was surprised by all the guys that TNA was able to bring back. I wasn't too surprised by Hall's appearance or X-Pac really but Ric Flair and Jeff Hardy I was. It seems TNA is taking this seriously plus they added Eric Bishoff. If they get RVD or Goldberg, then WWE could be in trouble sooner rather than later.
But with Bret Hart coming back to WWE, I haven't enjoyed wrestling on a Monday like this in a VERY long time!
The 3 hour live WCW Nitro show in the mid-late 90's was at the time far better than RAW. They had good story lines, and much better "wrestling" than anything WWF was putting on.
Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to next week's guest hosts (remember, Don Johnson's there too). I was rather disappointed with Tyson's performance last night. He looked lost at times and didn't know what to say or do and it just came off bad.
I agree it was boring but my least favorite part of the show was the Undertaker. And big shocker, HHH is in the Royal Rumble WOW! I TOTALLY didn't see that coming [/sarcasm]
Another boring show last night. The only thing I liked about it was when the Undertaker showed up.
That was the only part from this past show that I watched, as the Undertaker has always been my favorite wrestler and he always will be. When he retires I'll stop watching.
Friends and I paid for the Rumble last night. First PPV I've seen in many years.
When WWE become TAME AS FUCK? I hadn't watched it in so long and yet predicted that the only belt that would change hands was the women's belt. None of the wrestlers seem to have any charisma or charm; none of the matches had much "awe factor". Mysterio vs Undertaker was a bit of a joke. The Rumble itself was very pedestrian.
In the Rumble itself, did Triple H fuck his knee? Michaels Sweet Chin Music'd him out, but it was more like an unplanned mercy move; HHH didn't seem like he was able to go on, and it looked like he wasn't meant to go out that early.
What happened to the days when there were about 16 people in the ring all at once? It was basically a succession of quick singles matches, that came down to the last four in Batista, HBK, Cena and Edge. Hm...
Still, though, it was a pretty good drinking game.
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