I dunno why you still feel the need to 'defend yur team' after they lost and you've been GUARANTEEING their victory all season! lol

No offense, but I've noticed that when anyone made even the slightest attempt to debunk your "Colts gratest team evar, bitches!" theory this year, you've been prone to using hyperbole and childish name calling. You've chilled-out a bit now that they've had their asses handed to them, but really, your overzealous antics this season concerning what you perceived as your team's inevitable, inherent 'greatness' and championship just shows your lack of respect and knowledge of the game, as well as your ineptitude concerning the infinite variables that go into each game and each play.

You've forgotten (or failed to notice) that anyone can win on any given day. Let me say that again: ANYONE can win, on any given day. And quite frankly, you'll be lucky if 'yur team' gets one more ring, much less three. wink