Originally Posted By: Lilo
Originally Posted By: Benjamin_Bugsy_Siegel
in my opinion, ive always found most italian mobsters to be generic. but in my view jewish mobsters were tougher, smarter and more business like than most of the italian mobsters....most jewish mobsters goals were to one day go legit, in business and leave the mob life behind so to speak. also most jewish mobsters were a one generation only thing, they never involved thier kids or families in the life.....unlike most italian mobsters whos kids or family members, become the next of kin in the mob life. the jewish mobsters never wanted thier kids to grow up and become gangsters/mobsters....and kept them seperate from the life. the opposite of what Bonanno, Gambino, Trafficante Sr., and Gotti did....just to name a few mobsters that had thier sons involved in the life.

If you have not read them already you might enjoy the books "The Life and Times of Lepke Buchalter" and "The Purple Gang" both by Paul Kavieff, "Vicious Circles" by Jonathan Kwitny, and especially "Supermob" by Gus Russo. I have seen mixed reviews on "Tough Jews" by Rich Cohen with some saying it's too celebratory but I have not read it yet.

hey man, thanks alot for lettin me know about those books you just listed. the only ones that i knew about that you listed, were the Lepke one, Tough Jews, and the Purple Gang...ive never heard of the other ones, but i will be checkin them out. the only books specificlly based on jewish mobsters, that i own are "We Only Kill Each Other", "Meyer Lansky: Mogul Of The Mob", "Mickey Cohen : In My Own Words", "Murder Inc." and "The Rise and Fall of The Jewish Gangster in America". i own other mob books that talk about jewish mobsters, but they also talk about irish and italian mobsters too. when i have enough dough, i want to get "But He Was Good to His Mother", "Tough Jews", "Family Secret", "Our Gang : Jewish Crime and the New York Jewish Community, 1900-1940", the Lepke book that you mentioned, "Rothstein: The Life, Times, Murder of the Criminal Genius Who Fixed the 1919 World Series" and "The Hoods" which OUATIA is based on.

p.s. im not really into hip hop music, but "2 of amerikaz most wanted" is one of my favorite rap songs, just cause it mentions Bugsy Siegel in it haha. also i see that you have the "All Eyez on Me" avatar, so i thought that i would let you know that man. thanks again for the book titles imm goin to check them out.

Last edited by Benjamin_Bugsy_Siegel; 02/28/10 12:00 AM.