Originally posted by QueenAssassin:
....Sometimes i wonder how it was back in the days. Not having the technology we have now. I can live without the internet, i've tried it once. But then you get bored
I remember an older guy I once worked with telling me of the days before computers, when you typed w/ carbon paper. One incorrectible typo, and the whole document would have to be re-done. Gives me the shudders just to think about it!!!

Another thing is vidoes/DVDs. You either saw a movie in the theatre or waited till it was on TV. There was some kind of joy & anticipation in knowing we would get to see The Wizard of Oz only one night a year. We appreciated it more. Kids don't have that now. They can see anything you want, anytime you want. Nice, but I think it kind've spoils things, too.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.