Big news, "Curb" fans. I just listened to an interview with Jeff Garlin and he confirmed to Dennis Miller that Larry is hard at work writing Season 8!
It's funny, I just rewatched all of season 5 last week. "The Ski Lift" might be the funniest television episode in the history of the medium.
SPOILER ALERT: Watching Larry cough and grunt while pretending to be an Orthodox Jew, all in order to con a genuinely devout man into moving Richard up on the kidney donor list, was beyond brilliant. And the audio-sight gag at the end, when Larry's cell phone starts ringing from the nurse's "unusually large vagina," almost gave me a heart attack the first time I saw it. Literally. I could NOT stop laughing. My cheeks were purple and my wife thought I was gonna have to go to Emergency!

I still love Jerry, but the more I watch "Curb," the more I become convinced that Larry was the true genius behind "Seinfeld."
Anyway, here's the Jeff Garlin audio: