Since Sept 09 we have had at least five Nor'easters on the Jersey coast. The ground is saturated. Major puddles everywhere. Yesterday I went to the beach to see how things were blowin'. The Ventnor fishing pier extends out into the ocean. I walked out about 100 yards and stood behind the fishing shack. I nearly got blown over walking out there. Always with my camera, I took a little movie of the action. This morning at 6:30am I was awoken by a massive thunder storm that shook the house. eek Uh-Oh, here comes another one.
Jersey Shore Nor'easter

For you folks in other countries or other parts of the US, a Nor'easter is storm that hits the East Coast of the US and is caused by Low pressure over the Atlantic Ocea. It rotates in a counterclockwise direction-winds from the Northeast. They can be more destructive than a hurricane. Often they just sit off the coast and keep pounding away.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12